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Home Graduate Studies

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The department has two programmes. Masters of Official Statistics and Masters of Science in Agricultural Statistics. The duration for Masters of Official Statistics is 18 months and Masters of Science in Agricultural Statistics is 24 months and it is delivered by the Eastern Africa Statistical Training Centre in Dar es Salaam and at Sokoine University of Agriculture in Morogoro. The following are among other benefits of pursuing the named programmes.

·         To improve the capabilities of the user countries to produce and use statistical data that

·         are needed for evidence-based decision making,

·         To upgrade capacity level of National Statistical Systems’ (NSS’s)  in assessing and planning the development of their people and the economies of the countries,

·         To train personnel involved in the production and use of the statistical information,

·         Apply statistical and analytical techniques in statistics related to agricultural production,

·         Utilize agricultural statistics in assessing food security aspects of a society, and

·         Employ economic statistics in assessing economic performance of a given nation.

The Department of Graduate Studies perform the following activities:          

·         Develop annual work plan for conducting short term training and development activities,

·         Coordinate distance learning, short term training and developments activities,

·         Provide assistance in managing and coordinating the implementation of distance learning assignment and short-term training at the highly quality level,

·         Provide Inputs Assist in developing quality assurance mechanisms for consultancy, short term training and development activities, and

·         Provide advice on matters related to outreach, distance learning, short term training and development activities.

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