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Undergraduate Programmes

  • Bachelor Degree in Official Statistics
  • Official statistics are statistics that provide quantitative or qualitative information on all major areas of citizens' lives, such as economic and social development, living conditions, health, education and the environment.

    The official statistics are organized in three categories as follows:

    ·         Economic Statistics such as Agricultural Statistics, Price Statistics, Infrastructure Statistics, Trade Statistics, Industrial Statistics, Labour Statistics, etc.

    ·         Social Statistics such as Education Statistics, Health Statistics, Housing Statistics, Criminal and Justice Statistics, etc.

    ·         Socio-economic (Cross-cutting) Statistics such as Gender Statistics, Environmental Statistics, etc.

  • Bachelor Degree in Agricultural Statistics and Economics
  • Statistical Data and numerical information have played a very vital role in the growth and development of agriculture and its economy.

    In an agrarian economy like Tanzania the majority of the rural population about 65% depend on agricultural sector for survival and it is the main source of livelihood. Therefore, the utility of agricultural statistics and its economy is even more important. Facts also show there is an increased demand of agricultural statistics to inform national development processes. The Centre, therefore, has introduced Bachelor Degree in Agricultural Statistics and Economics aiming at producing highly knowledgeable, expertly skilled and creatively innovative professionals to satisfy the demands of the agriculture sector and its economy.  Professionals will help production of quantitatively information for feasible and effective planning and policy formulation to support decision making in the agricultural sector and its economy.

    At the end of the Course students will be able to:

    ·         To use technologies in the agricultural data collection

    ·         To produce atlas maps of agrarian economy

    ·         To compile various agricultural and economic data with respect to agricultural development

  • Bachelor Degree in Data Science
  • The General Objective of the Programme is to produce highly committed, responsible and creatively innovative professional graduates to deal with analyzing of structured and unstructured data, modelling, software engineering, visualization, creating and presenting insights that assist in making powerful data-driven decisions. Data Science is the extraction of knowledge from data. It is the blended technology brought from the broad areas of mathematics, statistics, information science and computer science. Data science can be used to investigate complex problems in various domains, such as marketing optimization, health-care, business analysis, bank systems, setting public policy, etc.

    The Qualified Data Science Professionals shall have the following skills:

    ·         Statistics skills: Ability to collect, process and analyze data, ability to design statistical models, ability to interpret data.

    ·         Mathematics skills: Ability to manipulate data, ability to write mathematics models, ability to design mathematics algorithms.

    ·         Computer skills: Ability to generate data visualization, ability to mine/extract information from data (data mining), ability to generate the forecasting and predictive models.

  • Bachelor Degree in Business Statistics and Economics
  • This program produces graduates with combined business, economics and statistics skills. These skills complement each other to equip a modern business manager with integrated skills in decision making. The current business environment together with economics tools and business operation skills, require the ability to analyze and summarize data, and use statistical analysis for decision-making and problem solving.

    A graduate from this program will have acquired three core independent but complementary skills;

    Economic skills:  Ability to assess demand and supply chain of the productability to understand marketing environment and their impact to businessability to establish optimal and profitable economic options

    Statistical skills: Ability to collect, process and analyze data using cutting edge technology and toolsability to design statistical models, ability to write statistical reports for technical and non-technical audience

    Business skills: Ability to manage finances and evaluate financial options, ability to market and manage marketing of products/services, ability to manage and control human resources for better business outcome

  • Diploma in Statistics (NTA Level 5)
  • What is the Rationale of Diploma in Statistics Programme?

    Statistical work is now being exposed to and demanded by the information and communication market. This exposure and demand require a professional response in terms of making quantitatively informed decision-making processes, and in terms of preparing plans that are feasible and effective because of the precision and quality of the data, which is a prerequisite.

    Quality data demands a system of data collection that is closely supervised to ensure its effectiveness. The Diploma programme is aimed at to producing statistical personnel who are highly knowledgeable in data collection methods and fit to supervise the task.

    What are Objectives of the Programme?

    The objective behind this programme is geared towards producing highly committed and responsible personnel who are capable of supervising data collection process and process data. At the end of the programme graduates are expected to demonstrate ability to apply knowledge and skills in:

    ·         Applying statistical skills in supervising data collection exercises;

    ·         Applying statistical skills in undertaking field logistics;

    ·         Applying statistical packages in preliminary data analysis;

    ·         Applying business communication skills related to advocate for the importance of Statistics.

  • Diploma in Information Technology
  • Basic Technician Certificate in Statistics (NTA Level 4)
  • What is the Rationale of Certificate in Statistics Programme?

    Data collection and entry activities are the initial stages in the data production cycle, thus the reliability of produced statistics in any area depends much on the quality of the data collected and properly entered in the computer. This therefore calls for qualified personnel to undertake these activities. Hence this programme will cater for the needs of National Statistical System (NSS) stakeholders who require qualified data collectors.

    What are Objectives of the Programme?

    ·         The general objective of this programme is geared towards producing statistical clerks who will be able to apply basic skills and knowledge in data collection in all areas of statistical inquiries. The programme is also geared towards personnel who can perform data entry activities.

    ·         Specifically, the programme aims at equipping the graduates with the following knowledge and skills:

    ·         Apply basic statistical skills and mathematical methods in solving problems;

    ·         Apply basic computer knowledge for managing data collection activities;

    ·         Apply basic computer knowledge for data entry activities;

    ·         Demonstrate proper use of Basic English skills in different contexts;

    ·         Use life skills in managing personal and interpersonal relations;

    ·         Demonstrate ability to start and run a business through entrepreneurship skills

  • Basic Technician Certificate in Information Technology

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