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About HEET Project

The Higher Education for Economic Transformation (HEET) Project (P166415), funded by the World Bank with a budget of US$425 million, seeks to assist Tanzania in harnessing the potential of higher education to drive economic development and transformation. The Ministry of Education, Science, and Technology (MoEST) is responsible for its implementation within the country. The project is scheduled to operate from September 2021 to July 2026, spanning a period of five years.

Project Development Objective

The Project Development Objective(PDO) is to strengthen the learning environments and labor market orientation of programs in priority disciplines and the management of the higher education system.

Project Implementation

The implementation of the project focuses to support the following areas:

  • Area 1: Construction or rehabilitation of infrastructure
  • Area 2: Updating curriculum and introducing innovative pedagogical methodologies
  • Area 3: Promoting applied research and innovation capacity
  • Area 4: Building functional linkages with private sector/industry
  • Area 5: Strengthening use of digital technology
  • Area 6: Promoting self-generated income
  • Area 7: Building capacity of academic staff and Institution leadership

The Eastern Africa Statistical Training Centre (EASTC) is one of the higher education institutions that have received financial support from the World Bank (WB) through MoEST to implement the project. The Centre has been granted $ 2,654,577.67, equivalent to TZS 6,130,959,495.08, to execute this project under sub-component 2.2. This sub-component focuses on promoting quality improvements in selected non-university institutions and fostering public-private partnerships in the delivery of programs in priority disciplines.
The Centre formalized its commitment to the project by signing a grant agreement with the Ministry on 01/12/2022, marking the effective date for commencing the project's implementation. The project's execution is guided by the Institution Strategy Investment Plan (ISIP).

EASTC Rector, Dr. T.M. Katunzi (left), signing the grant agreement with Dr. Fransis Michael, PS-MoEST, on 01/12/2022 at the MoEST Office in Dar es Salaam

Project Implementation at EASTC

In implementing the Project within project areas, EASTC will:

  1. Construct and furnish One (1) Academic Block consisting of Lecture Halls, Class rooms and offices to support inclusive education
  2. Rehabilitate existing hostel buildings to cater for people with special needs
  3. Construct landscaping and walk ways to connect EASTC buildings and support people with special needs.
  4. Digitize library resources
  5. Develop and review curricula
  6. Create capacity for Research, consultancy and Innovation for Industrial-Centred Research addressing local challenges, and impactful innovations
  7. Develop and managed EASTC Journal Information System
  8. Support Industrial Training
  9. Develop and implement Learning Management System (LMS) to support delivery of blended learning (MOODLE)
  10. Improve Internal application systems
  11. Improve Network connectivity
  12. Improve Entrepreneurial skills for Income Generating Unit (IGU)
  13. Support Institutional Project Coordination and Management

Project Progress

  • The Consultant has completed the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (EIA)
  • The Centre has obtained the EIA Certificate.
  • The Consultant is currently conducting a Design Review on civil works.

  • Tracer study for Curriculum Development has been completed.
  • Situation analysis for curriculum review has been completed.
  • Curriculum writing is in progress.
  • Environmental and Social Safeguards Documents prepared
  • Gender Documents Prepared
  • Integration of ICT internal systems to enhance business processes is in progress.
  • The EASTC-Industrial Advisory Committee has been launched.
  • The Moodle platform to enhance teaching and learning has been developed and is functional: Moodle platform
In terms of procurement:
  • Procurement of a field motor vehicle has been completed.
  • Procurement of 60 Desktop Computers has been completed.
  • Procurement of 8 Access Points at the Campus is in progress.
  • Procurement of a Power Edge R650 Server and a Windows server (1) for the Digitization of the library is in progress.

Institution Project Implementation Unit(EASTC IPIU)

Project Documents

HEET Photo Gallery

Workshop on uploading MOODLE resources to support learning.
PS MoEST Prof.C.Nombo and EASTC Rector Dr.T.M.J Katunzi during the launch of EASTC-Industrial Advisory Committee(IAC)
Inception meeting of EASTC-IAC
Leadership of EASTC-IAC. Titus Mwisomba (Middle)-Chairperson, Vivian Kazi, (2nd from right) Vice Chairperson, Dr. Rehema Mzimbiri Coordinator of Industrial Linkage (2nd from left), Godfrey Saga ( C/HEET EASTC) and Dr. Beatrice Njau ( Ass.C.HEET EASTC)
Chairperson of the EASTC MAB with PS MOEST, Rector, and EASTC-IAC during the launch of EASTC-IAC
Occupational analysis workshop for Curriculum Review and Development
Internal Stakeholders’ engagement to review and comment on Consultant Documents
External Stakeholders engagement to review and comment on Consultant Documents
EASTC IPIU workshop on HEET project implementation
Field motor vehicle supported by HEET Project
Academic Block to be Constructed under HEET project
Academic Block to be Constructed under HEET project
NPIU( QS & Engineer) and the consultant conducted a site visit to the location where an academic block will be constructed within Changanyikeni Campus
NPIU and the consultant conducted a site visit to Hostels to be rehabilitated under HEET project within Changanyikeni Campus
Training on Environmental and Social safeguard to IPIU and GRIC members
Training on Contract Management for EASTC HEET Project IPIU
Coordinator of the EASTC HEET Project, Mr. Godfrey Saga, presenting the implementation progress report at one of the project coordinator's meetings.
National HEET project coordinator, Dr. Kennedy Hosea visited EASTC as one of the HLI implementing HEET project
Gender and Inclusive Education Training for EASTC Staff facilitated by Fr. John Asembo.
Gender and Inclusive Education Training for EASTC Staff facilitated by Fr. John Asembo.
NPIU, Prof. Mtebe, and Mr. Kondo visited EASTC to evaluate the integration of ICT systems
EASTC PRO team during the preparation of the HEET Communication Strategy.
Rector Dr. T.M. Katunzi and Consultant M/S. Mhandisi Consultancy Ltd signed a contract for Design Review and Supervision at EASTC, witnessed by EASTC legal officer Advocate Zerafina Gotora.
Stakeholders workshop for Curriculum Review and Development
Hearing impairment testing to EASTC Students under HEET project
Computer lab supported by HEET project(operational)
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